Monday 9 January 2017

Tutorial: How to refill a vintage lipstick case

I'm fickle. I am a marketeers dream because when it comes to cosmetics, I'm 90% about the packaging. If it looks pretty, I'm all over it. If it looks pretty and vintage then I'm definitely all over it. Vintage beauty packaging is something that I have more than a passing interest in anyway, I've got an extensive vintage compact collection that I've accumulated over the years, just because I love them, and amongst them are some vintage lipstick holders too.

Whilst I often use the compacts, after all, it's the best way to showcase them, I've never known how to fill up one of the lipstick cases until recently when I stumbled upon the instructions in Dita Von Teese's book, Your Beauty Mark. I could wait to try it out myself.

I chose this 1960s sprint loaded Stratton lipstick case with inbuilt mirror to refill.

You will need:
One vintage lipstick case to be refilled,
One knife,
Access to a freezer,
Tissue paper,
A lipstick (I bought one from Superdrug's MUA range since it's cheap enough to not worry about messing up)


1. Freeze your lipstick

2. Once your lipstick is frozen and you have removed it from the freezer, lay out some tissue paper to protect the surface which you're going to work on. Screw the lipstick until it's out fully, and line it up with your lipstick case to make sure it's going to fit.

3. Using the knife, cut the lipstick out of the case, as close to the bottom as possible.

4. Screw the lipstick holder up fully, and place the base of the lipstick on the platform. Gently apply some pressure to the lipstick to push it into the platform.

Ta Da... one fully functioning lipstick in vintage packaging for your glamorous touch ups on the go!

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