Sunday 19 May 2019

Monday’s little luxury

 I am a creature of habit and schedule. As a Project Manager, and a Mum to a 1 year old, I find it just makes life flow that little bit easier. A well rehearsed routine is what ensures that I get to work in the morning on time and with minimal amounts of stress. Having said that, I’m also a big fan of elevating the every day. Seeking out little escapes from the treadmill that, whilst inexpensive, just allow a little breather that is true luxury. 

My usual Monday routine is pretty similar to any other day of the week. I wake early and sip peppermint tea, forgoing breakfast because it’s too early for my hunger to have kicked in. When I arrive off the train I usually have about half an hour to spare before my working day begins. I scurry to work, caught up in the flow of people who are all doing the same commute for the same purpose each and every day, and usually I get to my desk about 10 minutes before work starts, swallow down some toast at my desk (I have a wonderful workplace that provides free toast and jam), and sip a hot coffee (they provide that too) whilst I dig into my morning emails. This Monday though, as I wandered through town in the sunshine I did something different. I spotted a sign outside Carluccios that read ‘Coffee and a Pastry £2.95’. My watch confirmed that I had 25 minutes before my working day was due to start, and it was only a 5 minute walk from where I was. So I ordered my coffee and what seemed to be a giant and extremely luxurious almond croissant, and took a seat at one of their outside tables, in the sunshine.

For a full 15 minutes, I absorbed everything that was going on around me. The blue sky, the warm sunshine on my face, the people walking to work, other people who were seated at the tables enjoying an early morning treat. I enjoyed the strong coffee in a proper cup (I rarely buy coffee to go anyway), and the rich sweet taste of my croissant. I didn’t rush, I savoured it, finishing up neatly before walking to work, and still arriving on time. The real difference though, was in my mindset. I felt relaxed. I felt like I’d already enjoyed something luxurious and leisurely before I had even sat down to start my day, and I felt calm, in control and looking forward to the day ahead. It just shows how something so small, something which at any other time of day you might take for granted, can cast a completely different glow on your day and whilst I’m not going to make this a part of my daily routine (£14.75 a week on morning coffees soon adds up, and it wouldn’t feel luxurious if I did it every day), I definitely think there’s merit in making it a part of my Monday morning routine. Why not start the week with just a little bit of luxury?

1 comment:

  1. Oh this sounds brilliant Louise. :)
    As you say, it's not about always doing something, but it's giving yourself a treat and your mind an escape and rest. :)

