Friday 28 September 2018

The next chapter

This week has been my final week of maternity leave, and seriously, where did those months go? What's more, how did my little girl get so big so quickly? Parents tell you how quickly things change, but until you see it for yourself you cannot comprehend how quickly your little person becomes equipped with the strength and skills they need. It's sad too because we all want our babies to need us forever. Thank goodness, little miss is young enough to need me for a hell of a lot longer yet.

The week didn't get off to the best start. I had a wisdom tooth extracted so, cue a day spent enjoying snuggles and soup. I've never had a tooth removed before and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Then colds did the circuit too with even little Miss getting it, so there wasn't really much we could do this week.

I can't complain, I've had the most wonderful summer with my family. Even the weather got the memo with weeks of glorious sunshine to walk my cherub out in. It's been perfect.

Despite wanting to make the most of this week, it's been difficult for my natural planning instincts not to take over and for me to start thinking of my return to work. I even did a dry run on my morning makeup routine to make sure it took me less than 10 minutes (it took 7).  I have enjoyed my last few lazy mornings though. 

October brings with it new challenges, and a new routine and the vital thing will be to make time for the important things. Here's to autumn...


  1. I can't believe that your maternity leave is almost over, that's going to be a real wrench, isn't it?
    Lovely photos. Tooth extraction is a lot more scary in theory than the reality, thank goodness.
    Enjoy your weekend. xxx

  2. Aw Louise. I literally have no clue where a) your time on maternity has gone and more so b) how our babies have grown and changed!!!
    Least you know she's in good hands and bedtimes and weekends will be come that even more special. :)
    We look forward to seeing you all soon.

