Saturday 8 September 2018

Taking Back Control: Social Media

One of my favourite bloggers, Shannon Ables, recently discussed on her podcast, ways to simplify your life. The idea being that you can free up more time to do things which are actually important to you like spending quality time with family and friends or blazing through your knitting pile, or books to read pile.

Whilst all of the suggestions weren't necessarily ones that I wanted to adopt, I was keen on imposing some sort of restriction on my Social Media time. I'm sure I'm not the worst person out there, but, I do have a weakness for Instagram. I can quite easily lose track of time as I scroll through, which would be fine if I were actively choosing to do that. I don't though, it's a passive decision that then leaves me resentful at the time I've lost when I could have been doing something more productive, like writing this blog post. 

That's just the thing though, this shouldn't be a passive decision, time is too valuable a commodity to let it passively flitter by. 

This past week I set a notification on my phone. At 8pm there's no more social media for me! The surprising thing is that, while I sit there playing and laughing with my daughter, or knitting away happily, I'm not missing my time on social media at all. What's more, I'm spending less time on it even before 8pm, just dipping in and out. I find myself more present and more cognisant of when I am on it. 

The restriction was supposed to start as a 1 month trial, but 1 week in and I am already reaping the benefits of more time to do the things that bring me joy. I can't see myself going back. 

Social media is a fun place to visit, bit we must be the ones in control of how and when we spend our time on it. 

What are your thoughts on social media? Do you love it or loathe it? Do you control it or does it control you? Let me know in the comments. 


  1. I refuse point blank to own a smart phone so my access to social media is limited to when I'm at home and can be bothered to turn the PC on - I enjoy looking at IG and Facebook but would rather be creating or outside doing something! xxx

    1. I think you have the right idea. Sometimes I wish I had never got one either. Xx

  2. Louise, you're so good for doing this. It's definitely something I need to rein in on myself.
    I fear that through maternity leave and the first few weeks of being home-bound with a newborn, my use of SM has grown! I may spend the weekend putting a new 'routine' in place and incorporating some mindful/gratitude/reading time on an evening. Especially now thr eldest is back at school.

